Science Hackday Dublin 2016

Science HacScience Hack Day Dublink Day Dublin is a 36 hour hardware and software hackathon. A social event with creativity and love of science at its heart.  Each year it brings together coders, designers, scientists, engineers and makers simply to make interesting things. Why? For adventure, for playfulness, for science!  The event takes place on the 19th & 20th November.

This year we are super proud to be hosting the event in our own space. We have been helping out since the very first Science Hack Day many years ago. We are excited to offer a big range of tools and experience to all the participants. Now entering its 5th year, its the best community hackathon around.

Visit the Science Hack Day website for tickets.

Continue reading “Science Hackday Dublin 2016”

Duck Resistance is Futile












I decided to paint a row of ducks. It’s a work of art in progress. It has a definite meaning. The order of the colours should be a clue. Anyone like to guess what it is?




Science Hack Day Dublin 2015

Science HacScience Hack Day Dublink Day Dublin is a 36 hour hardware and software hackathon. A social event with creativity and love of science at its heart.  Each year it brings together coders, designers, scientists, engineers and makers simply to make interesting things. Why? For adventure, for playfulness, for science! The event takes place in UCD on the 14th & 15th November.

Here in TOG, we are proud to be supporting Science Hack Day again. Since it inception we have always found it to be the best community hackathon around.  It’s rare these days for big events to keep their community feel. Now entering its 4th year, and with an FAQ that just gets better each year, you have no reason not to go . The ideas for this years event have already started to pile in. They include lasers, can we say more ? pew pew. For tickets see eventbrite.





Beefhack Success

Last weekend saw Ireland’s first food focused hackathon, Beefhack. The event sponsored by ABP Food Group, was about coming up will solutions for the Irish beef industry. The a prize fund was over €22,500,  it drew people from all over the county to participate. Over 100 people on Friday evening came together to form 13 diverse teams to build all sorts of different projects.  At the end of the weekend, 11 projects were completed and demoed to the public.

IMG_20150322_160355.jpgOur own Jeffrey Roe was on a team called “Track n Trace”. Their project was developing a smart tracker that monitors and collects data of beef produce while in transit. The tracker provides real time data and shipment info ensuring that there is full traceability of the product from field to fork. For more information about the project you can view this slides or photos.

We are delighted to see team “Track n Trace” came second in the competition winning €5,000.  This TOG’s second success in a hackathon this month after the Smart City’s event. For more coverage of the event and to find out about the other winners you can read the Intel round up or Silicon Republic.

Global Urban Datafest – Smart Bins for Dublin!

Over the 7-8th March 2015, several members of Tog participated in and mentored at the Global Urban Datafest.

This was a globally synchronised hackathon with dozens of cities around the world hosting teams to solve urban problems with open-source hardware, software and data solutions.

Dublin saw many great teams participating — you can check out some of the projects here:

The winning team was Bintel – retrofitting Dublin city’s street bins with sensors and wifi to help make our city smarter and safer.


One of the members of the team was from Tog, and the others are now big hackerspace fans – they are using our space to build more prototypes for their products.

See the project page here for more info.

Overall it was a great weekend, and the kind of environment Tog thrives at.

We are looking forward to host and participate at many more events like this in 2015!