Engineers Week Talks

TOG will be hosting a night of short talks as part of engineers week on Thursday 1st of March . Each talk will be twenty minutes long on a range of interesting topics. The space will open from 18.30 with the talks starting at 19.15. The event is free and open to all.

Talk 1


Blurb: Not effects, e-f-f-e-c-t. If your presentation doesn’t have an effect, why do it? Rowan will delve into the elements that will raise your talk from the level of background noise, get audiences to pay attention, and ultimately, get them to take action as a result of your talk. Presenting can be powerful and effective if you give a little extra thought in advance. Rowan will show you where to focus your efforts to best effect.


Presentation skills demon, PowerPoint nerd, wordsmith, storyteller, speaker, trainer, and dancing bear.

Talk 2

Title: Data erasure for the security conscious and the overly paranoid pervert.

Blurb: Lets discuss some of the commonly used methods of data erasure and

why they might just be overkill due to the limitations of modern forensic investigation tools.
Will include a couple of live demos of file deletion and recovery (or lack there of).


Kevin is a full time student studying computer forensics and security at Waterford institute of Technology. He founded the WIT Hackers Society in Jan2011 and was involved in the organisation of the CampusCon hacker conference. He loves hacking, forensics & networking.

Talk 3

Title: Continuing Professional Development (CPD) – “keeping it real”.

Blurb: We live in exponentially changing times. This talk sets out to showcase why CPD is so important.
Dismissing the ‘turgid’ HR type definition of CPD for a more verbose real life CPD.
The talk will explains the different stages of CPD though a person career.


Chartered Engineer Joe Fitzpatrick, BE CEng FIEI, is the Program Director
for Industry Solutions Development with IBM Software Group in Ireland.

Talk 4

Title: Broadcast Yourself, without the Internet – An Introduction to Amateur Television and how to start your own TV station

Blurb: We have all heard of CB radio where anyone can talk to anyone without the internet. A step up from that is Amateur Television where anyone can start broadcasting television and others pick up the picture.


Daniel Cussen
Daniel Cussen an Electronic Engineer will explain what’s needed to get involved, and how Dublin-wide coverage of his TV system was recently achieved. A little bit of electronics wizardry, a video camera and a TV is all that is needed

Engineers Week 2011

We’re participating in Engineers Week again this year (14th-20th February) with our regular activities and some special events.

Monday, 14th of February, 19:00- 22:00 – Electronics and Micro controller Group Night – 555 Timer Intro
Tuesday, 15th of February, 19:30- 21:30 – Arduino 101 – Learn to Blink
Wednesday, 16th of February, 19:00- 22:00 – Computing/Networking/Programming Group Night – OS Install Demo
Thursday, 17th of February, 19:00- 22:00 – Geodesic domes and IPv6 – Open Social Night
Saturday, 19th February 2011, 10:30-14:00 – Soldering Workshop Sold Out
Sunday, 20th February 2011, 11:00-17:00 – LED Dot Matrix Display Workshop

The weekend of the 19th and 20th is also a Synchronous Hackathon weekend running each day from 11:00 to late. So we’ll be participating in the Global Hackerspace Challenge which will be announced within a week. Update: The challenge involves submiting an entry to the 555 Contest. We’re hoping for have a small 555 night on the Monday to introduce people to the wonders of 555 timer IC.

All the weekday events and hackathon are free, the workshops have a cost and the challenge might have a small materials cost/donation. All the events are targeted at adults and mature older teens.

Engineers Week Roundup

Wow! What a week in TOG. For Engineers Week we ran nine events over seven days. Throughout the week we had sixty nine people attending talks and workshops covering radio , pcb’s, arduino , robots and soldering . It has been a great success for all involved, for many participants it was their first time visiting TOG, many found the talks and workshops a great avenue to furthering their interests. Visitors were encouraged by the ethos of the hackerspace and enjoyed the “hack to learn” aspect of the community.

Throughout the coming year TOG will be continuing to host a number of events to foster innovation in science, technology, modern culture and creative arts.

Engineers Week

TOG will be hosting a series of events for Engineers Week. There are events on each night of the week on many different topics. All of the weekday events are free but require pre booking. The weekend Workshop’s require a fee for participation.

Monday 8th: Using Open Source tools to create a Circuit Board.

Tuesday 9th: An Evening of Amateur Radio.

Wednesday 10th: Introduction to the Arduino Platform

Thursday 11th: Craft Engineering This event is replaced by

Thursday 11th: Introduction to the Arduino Platform

Friday 12th: An Evening of Robotics

Saturday 13th: Soldering Workshop

Sunday 14th:  Arduino Workshop

Soldering Workshop

Workshop Description:

This hands on workshop will cover various aspects of soldering; from the basic techniques of soldering, to soldering electronic components to make simple circuits, right up to manual techniques to solder surface mount chips.

This workshop is split into levels so we can work with you to increase your skills. We are ready to work with both absolute beginners and those who would like to move onto more advanced surface mount soldering.


€15 General public

€12  Students/Unwaged.

€10  TOG members


Saturday 13th of February.

Workshop 1 : 10:30 to 14:00

Workshop 2 : 14:30 to 18:00


In TOG. See location page.

No electronics skills required. Participants must be at least 18 years old. Workshop open to ALL. Limited to 8 participants per Workshop. Prepayment at time of booking is required for this workshop,  via paypal.

To book please use the contact form below.

Continue reading “Soldering Workshop”

An Evening of Robotics

Event Description:

Members of TOG will be entering a team into one the the world’s biggest competition for self-made, autonomous, and mobile robots. The RobotChallenge is a huge event that takes place in Vienna in March. In build up to this competition, several of the Irish teams will be coming together for a night of Robotics. We have invited other teams through, to come to the space,discuss and show the progress they have made on their robots.  We are also opening up this evening to the public (see booking below) to show Amateur Robotics is alive and well in Ireland. There will be a number of basic robotics kits (cost to be confirmed) for those who wish to kick start themselves in the world of robotics.


This is a free event open to all.Use contact form below for booking.


Friday 12th of February. 19.00 to 22.00


In TOG. See location page.

Participants must be at least 18 years old. Event open to ALL. Limited to 8 participants per Event.

To book please use the contact form below.

Continue reading “An Evening of Robotics”