Workshop: Moar LilyPad (Sensors and Actuators edition)

Protosnap LilyPad Arduino Board
Protosnap LilyPad Arduino Board

This is the second part of the LilyPad workshops. This one focuses on mastering more involed actuators, and learning to get data from the many sensor components. Basically, you’ll be able to get your project to respond to the world around it. Imho, this is what makes e-textiles and wearables so exciting.

This second workshop is for people who have used the LilyPad or Arduino before. At least to blink an LED or two. Focusing on input we’ll look at using light sensor, temperature sensor, and accelerometer. And if we’ve time on output using the vibration motor and buzzer board.
We’ll also take a quick look at multiplexing, both input and output, and making your own interfaces to connect regular electrical components to your LilyPad circuit.
The only thing you’ll need to bring with you is a laptop with USB port, everything else is provided. (If you want to bring your own LilyPad components that’s great, just let us know when you’re booking and we’ll make sure you have everything you’ll need.)

Important: please bring your own laptop with USB port. Closer to the event you will receive instructions on how to install the programming environment.

Optional materials; Any LilyPad board (preferably the Protosnap), with sensors (e.g. light, temperature, accelerometer) and actuators (e.g. vibration motor, buzzer board).
If you want to play with the LilyPad before buying, Protosnap boards can be provided for the duration of the workshop, but you’ll probably have to work in groups of at least two people.

When: Thursday, February 13th. From 7pm until 10pm.

Where: TOG.

Cost: €10 for non-members, €5 for members. (All proceeds go to support TOG.)
Please register for this workshop through the contact form below the cut.
If you’ve missed your chance to sign up for the workshop, please keep an eye out for a rerun in the next few months.

Engineer’s Week: Bridge Building Competition



We bring our annual bridge building competition back to the Science Gallery for Engineers Week.

This is a family-friendly competition that puts teams against one another to build the strongest bridge. Engineering theory and building materials will be provided to help you during construction.  Last year’s winning  team from Canada, created a bridge that held over 20kg’s.  Some photos of the event can be found in our gallery

A secret prize will be up for grabs for the winners. The competition will have a half an hour of short talks, an hour and a half building and half an hour of judging.

Date: Saturday 8th February

Time: 14.00 – 16.30

Location: Science Gallery

Cost: Free

Sign Up: send an email to


We are now booked out. Please keep an eye out for our night of engineering talks or check out  other Engineer’s Week events.

Continue reading “Engineer’s Week: Bridge Building Competition”

Science Hack Day Dublin

Science Hack Day Dublin Science Hack Day brings together designers, developers, scientists, and other geeks in the same physical space for a brief but intense period of collaboration, hacking and building cool stuff.

This year’s Dublin event will take place on 2nd & 3rd March in  DCU. A 36 hours hackathon lets people develop ideas into projects with the help of a wide range of people with lots of different skill sets.  The event is free and sign up is open to all.

For full information and sign visit the Science Hack Day Dublin Website.

TOG is very pleased to be supporting this event for our second year. We hope to see you there.

Bridge Building Competition

EngineersWeekLogoTOG will be running its first ever bridge building competition.  The competition is to build the best bridge out of the materials provided. The competition will have two hours of building and a half an hour of judging. The prize for the over all winner is a raspberry pi. Don’t worry about being a super civil engineer, the event is open to people of all ages and skills levels( Total beginners welcome). Help will be on hand during the day to get you started.

Date: Saturday 23rd February

Time: 14.00 – 16.30

Location: Science Gallery

Cost: Free

Sign Up: via the Science Gallery

This event is supported by

Science GalleryRep-of-Ireland-YMEngineers Ireland