Origami workshop

Curious about origami, whether you’ve never tried it before or are interested in learning new tricks and folds? Sign up for our hands-on origami workshop on Friday, July 8th, taught by Jamie O’Leary! We will start by learning how to do simple folds and shapes for beginners, then move on to more advanced stuff for people with previous knowledge (or innate talent!). Paper will be provided, books will be available, and advice freely handed. Everyone is welcome!

When? Friday, July 8th, from 7pm to 9pm
Cost: Free, and open to all — though please do register in advance, as space is limited (registration form below the picture)

The workshop is full! You can still sign up to be added to the waiting list, we’ll notify you if a space frees up. This also lets us know if there is interest in organising another similar event!

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Crafting Nights, Revived

Hello all! This is just a quick note to let you know that Crafting Nights in tog are back. It’s been a little quiet of late (as people have exams or have to commute half way across Europe), but if crafting is your thing then we’ll be there this Tuesday (17th May) from 7pm. Every second Tuesday after that. All are welcome, any kind of craft admired, and a cup of tea to be had. Look forward to seeing you there 🙂

Oops, Craftings

Hey all, sorry this is late, things have been way too busy around here. First off, thanks to those people who came to the Crochet Workshop. We hope you enjoyed it. It turned out to be more frustrating than I thought. Now I understand what my mother meant when she said she didn’t have the patience for it! Still, I’m very impressed with what can be made with a length of string and one needle with a hook in it!

Secondly, Craft Night on Tuesday, 21st September is still on. From about 7pm until we all leave for last buses. Bring anything you want to work on, and just hang out with other crafters. Although I suspect there will be a few others finishing off their crochet with me 🙂 As usual, please use the form below to book a place.

Thirdly, this will be the last Tuesday Craft Night that I, and a few others, will be able to attend. (Don’t worry, Meg will keep them ticking along. Although, if you’re a member I’m sure she’d appreciate some help.) This saddens me, so I’m trying to find another day to have another Craft Night/Day on. Restrictions due to availability of free space, and available members really cuts down the options: Friday, Saturday, Sunday. Please, if are interested in coming on one of these days, let us know which you’d prefer, what times, and how often you’d be able to make it (e.g. every week, every two weeks, once a month, etc). Through the form below, or in email to crafty[at]tog.ie
Continue reading “Oops, Craftings”

What’s that you say, Crafting? Oh, okay!

Tuesday, 7th September, from 7pm until about last buses. In TOG (behind the dodgy looking black gate, there’s an intercom button you can press for admittance). Limited to 12 people. Bring any form of craft you want (and can carry) to work on. We have a sewing machine on the premises (in another room, can be a bit lonely all by yourself), but you should bring whatever thread you need as our selection is poor. Otherwise, we have tea, and usually coffee. It’s a fun night, always a bunch of new people around, and some very talented craftspeople (as well as newbies like me). Send us a note through the Contact Form below if you would like to come along.

Speaking of events, have you seen our first workshop? Crochet Workshop – Stars and Spheres, it’s got pretty pictures. We’re just about full. But because of the way we’re booking places not all are taken yet, but some people do already have dibs on them. If you’re interested you can still contact us about it and we’ll put you on the wait-list. Also, we welcome any suggestions you have for future workshops (whether you’re offering to run them, or there’s something you’d really like to learn about).

*EDIT* Still a couple of places left! Let us know if you want to pop along tomorrow!

Continue reading “What’s that you say, Crafting? Oh, okay!”

Crochet Workshop – Stars and Spheres

My, do we have a treat for you! Sunday, 12th of September (mark it in your calendar), we will have TOG’s very first craft workshop! From 3pm to 7pm, 8 lucky participants will receive once-off tutelage in crochet. The tutor, specially flown in from Austria, will teach the attendees how to make crochet stars and spheres (more commonly called a type of a certain holiday decoration, but it’s too early, can’t bring myself to say it).

Cost for this one-of-a-kind workshop is €15 for non-members, and €9 for TOG-members. Price includes the workshop, and materials to make two pieces (2 stars, 2 spheres, or 1 star + 1 sphere). There is plenty of scope for ability; patterns and techniques for beginners, and more complicated pieces for those familiar with crochet. It is strictly limited to 8 participants, places confirmed upon payment. Contact us through the form below to state your interest.

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