This is the second part of the LilyPad workshops. This one focuses on mastering more involed actuators, and learning to get data from the many sensor components. Basically, you’ll be able to get your project to respond to the world around it. Imho, this is what makes e-textiles and wearables so exciting.
This second workshop is for people who have used the LilyPad or Arduino before. At least to blink an LED or two. Focusing on input we’ll look at using light sensor, temperature sensor, and accelerometer. And if we’ve time on output using the vibration motor and buzzer board.
We’ll also take a quick look at multiplexing, both input and output, and making your own interfaces to connect regular electrical components to your LilyPad circuit.
The only thing you’ll need to bring with you is a laptop with USB port, everything else is provided. (If you want to bring your own LilyPad components that’s great, just let us know when you’re booking and we’ll make sure you have everything you’ll need.)
Important: please bring your own laptop with USB port. Closer to the event you will receive instructions on how to install the programming environment.
Optional materials; Any LilyPad board (preferably the Protosnap), with sensors (e.g. light, temperature, accelerometer) and actuators (e.g. vibration motor, buzzer board).
If you want to play with the LilyPad before buying, Protosnap boards can be provided for the duration of the workshop, but you’ll probably have to work in groups of at least two people.
When: Thursday, February 13th. From 7pm until 10pm.
Cost: €10 for non-members, €5 for members. (All proceeds go to support TOG.) Please register for this workshop through the contact form below the cut.
If you’ve missed your chance to sign up for the workshop, please keep an eye out for a rerun in the next few months.
Protosnap LilyPad Arduino Board
Once more into the workshops dear friends! This first workshop will focus on getting used to the LilyPadmicrocontroller, and getting started programming some LEDs.
(The second workshop will focus on reading data in from sensors. A third workshop will be added if requested. Book your place on them as the posts go up.)
The first workshop is for complete beginners; an introduction to the LilyPad system, from what the different parts of the board do, to some basic coding, and turning on/off some lights. The only thing you’ll need to bring with you is a laptop with USB port, everything else is provided. (If you want to bring your own LilyPad components that’s great, just let us know when you’re booking and we’ll make sure you have everything you’ll need.)
Important: please bring your own laptop with USB port. Closer to the event you will receive instructions on how to install the programming environment.
Optional materials; Any LilyPad board (preferably the Protosnap), with a handful LEDs, including an RGB LED, and a switch or two.
If you want to play with the LilyPad before buying, Protosnap boards can be provided for the duration of the workshop, but you’ll probably have to work in groups of at least two people.
When: Thursday, January 30th. From 7pm until 10pm.
Deck the halls with boughs of floppies, fa la la la la la la la la la
As we’re well into December by now, we can talk about the C word all we want! As is tradition by now, the final craftnight of the year will be a sugar-fuelled glitterfest where we try to finish Christmas gifts while raising our blood glucose levels. By the time your insulin sorts that mess out, the crochet class on Saturday 14th will let you return to the scene of the sugarcrime and see what you recall.
Sugar craftnight kicks off from about 6:30pm in TOG on Tuesday December 10th. All are welcome, and all sorts of tasty treats are welcome too! There’ll be hot chocolate to wash down the Christmas cookies, and I’ll have some spare felt and sparkles for anyone who’d rather build decorations than destroy their pancreas (of course you can do both). Coordination of baking will happen through the craft mailing list (anyone can join the list and get regular reminders of craftnights during the year). As with all craftnights, you can just pop down on the night. Our first craftnight of 2014 will be on January 7th.
Beautiful baubles to hang on your Christmas tree (or to give to someone to hang on their tree)
There will be a crochet bauble workshop run on the afternoon of Saturday December 14th from 2:30pm till about 4:30pm. Participants don’t need any prior experience at crochet, and will still make a pretty netted bauble for the tree. The class will cost €7 including materials (or €2 for members for the materials). Sign-up form for the class after the break.
On June 16 1904 in the novel Ulysses, Leopold Bloom got a bar lemon soap from Swenys chemist in Lincoln Place, Dublin. You can still do that to this day. He never paid for his! On Oct 13th 2013, we made lemon soap at TOG…..or lemon and oatmeal to be precise. It’s our first go at soap making, so we’ll have to see how it turns out. Like a fine wine, it needs time to mature now, so we’ll update the blog in a few weeks time. We might want some testers. If it all goes well, we might even do some more. Contact us, if you’re interested in soap making.