Coding Wednesdays 7pm

Calling all web-monkeys and code-monkeys.

On Wednesdays I will be inviting anyone that wishes to be in an environment that is friendly to a coder to come along and make some progress or a start on a project of your choice.

We all have ideas and great intentions to work on some code whether its PHP, JAVA, C or one of the many programing languages that are known within TOG, but at home there can be alot of distractions. I want to provide a time where fellow programmers can come to the space and get some work done. With the added bonus of having other programmers around, you have the option to bounce ideas off a fellow coder.

Or maybe you’d like to learn a programming language and have been wondering how to go about it. We have a tonne of books in our library, so grab your laptop, grab a book and get going. I’d be happy to help you get started, as I’m sure others there on the night will also. Any questions, contact me directly.

So put it in your diaries, and see you Wednesday at 7pm

*EDIT* If you are not a member you are welcome to come to the night, I just ask you email me to let me know so I can keep track of numbers (contact form in full post)

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