We are running a new class on learning how to program using Python, for complete beginners with no previous programming knowledge. The course will cover basic programming skills, which will also give you a better understanding of how computers work. At the end of the course you will know how to write simple programs, and you should have enough understanding of the basics to move on to either more complex programming tasks in Python or learn another language if you wish to. Python is the perfect first language because it is simple yet powerful, and extremely readable.
The course will begin on August 23rd and will run for 5 weeks every Monday from 7.00pm to 9.30pm. The cost will be €30 for non-members, and free for members.
Please note that this is a course for complete beginners. We are thinking of doing a Python crash course later on, for people already familiar with another programming language.
If you are interested in attending, or if you have any question about the course, feel free to post a comment or use the contact form — we’re happy to answer any query! You must sign up if you want to attend, as the space is limited to 7 people.