Free Firewalling – All it costs is patience

There are many open source choices for a firewall these days and Packet Filter is one of the more common ones. This talk will go through the setup and structure of a Packet Filter firewall and a walk through of a complete Packet Filter firewall rule set.

Networking knowledge would be handy, as well as some Linux/UNIX experience since we will be using the command line.

Inside a PC

This talk will outline the basics of what’s inside a PC.

We will go through each of the components and demonstrate how they work together. Some of those computer parts (such as the hard drive) will be further taken apart to show you how they look and work on the inside.
You will furthermore get the opportunity to take apart the pieces yourself, as well as to put them back together again.

An Introduction to Biodiesel

This talk will cover all important aspects of Biodiesel.

From its use as an alternative fuel, its effects on the environment, its legal status in Ireland, to its future production. A piece will be on the chemical process involved, as well as a run-down on how to make a small amount yourself. If time permits, an actual example will be done to show the process. Finally: A look into the pros and cons of its use.

This will not be an overly technical talk, and most will be in general layman’s terms.

Social Nights Moved

So we have decided to move our social nights to more regular intervals and easier to put in our calenders, both paper and electronic!

So from now on we have our social nights on the 1st Saturday of the month, and the 3rd Thursday of the month (just before the Hackathon). This means that our first Social Night in the new slot is Saturday the 7th August and the next will be Thursday the 19th of August. I have also added these new dates to our calender on the blog so you can also check there if you are unsure.

The suggested themes for these nights will be a food night where people can bring food to the space and share some nibbles and a laugh, and a movie night ( the first one was great 🙂 ). These can of course change as more suggestions are made.

Activities For January 2010

January 2010

All Group Night’s, Open Social Meeting’s, and Hackathon’s are free to attend and open to all members and all non-members. Classes and Workshop’s normally have a fee and require pre booking but are open to all members and all non-members.

Tuesday, 29th December

10:00 to late : Dragons Everywhere

Wednesday, 30th December

10:00 to late : Dragons Everywhere
19:00 : Open Social Meeting In The Space

Monday, 4th January

19:00 : Electronics and Micro Controller Group Night
19:30 : jQuery Class

Tuesday, 5th January

19:00 : Web Development Group Night

Wednesday, 6th January

19:00 : Computing/Programming/Networking Group Night

Monday, 11th January

19:00 : Electronics and Micro Controller Group Night
19:00 : Open Social Meeting In The Space
19:30 : jQuery Class

Tuesday, 12th January

19:00 : Web Development Group Night

Wednesday, 13th January

19:00 : Computing/Programming/Networking Group Night

Saturday/Sunday, 16th/17th January

12:00 to late : 3rd Synchronous Hackathon

Monday, 18th January

19:00 : Electronics and Micro Controller Group Night
19:30 : jQuery Class

Tuesday, 19th January

19:00 : Web Development Group Night

Wednesday, 20th January

19:00 : Computing/Programming/Networking Group Night

Monday, 25th January

19:00 : Electronics and Micro Controller Group Night

Tuesday, 26th January

19:00 : Web Development Group Night

Wednesday, 27th January

19:00 : Computing/Programming/Networking Group Night

Friday, 29th January

19:00 : TOG AGM
20:00 : Open Social Meeting (TOG’s First Birthday)

Other Unconfirmed Date/Time Activities:

Rumours are circulating about members starting a sewing/craft group maybe meeting semi-regularly on Sundays.

Future Activities:

We’re planning a lot of activities for Engineers Week (8th-13th February) pencil it into your diary.