Irish Hackerspaces Week

Irish Hackerspaces Week is a week long series of events showcasing the different Hackerspace across Ireland. The week aims to show what each space brings to their local community.
If you are coming to any of the events please sign up using the contact form at the end of the page.

Time Table of Events in 091labs Galway. Read more

Time Table of Events in TOG

Saturday 14th:

Soldering Workshop 10.00-12.30 & 14.00-16.30 Read more

Sunday 15th:

Harvard Course screening: “Introduction to C” – programming afterwards 14.00 Read more
The Joys of 3D Printing 16.00 Read more

Monday 16th:

E-textiles & Conductive Thread 19.00 Read more
Intro Ardunio 20.30 Read more
Processing 21.00 Read more

Tuesday 17th:

Oh, sweet! The Sugar learning environment 19.30 Read more

Lockpicking: The Myths and Truths  20.30 Read more

Wednesday 18th:

An Evening of Amateur Radio 18.30 Read more
Fun with Pattern Matching – Or how to build a database using flat files 19.30 Read more

Thursday 19th:

Open Social Night with a Film.. 19.00 Read more

Friday 20th:

Synchronous Hacker Quiz 20.00 Read more

Saturday 21st:

10th Global Synchronous Hackathon 13.00 Read more

Sunday 22nd:

10th Global Synchronous Hackathon 13.00 Read more
Standford Course screening:  “Introduction to Machine Learning” –  programming afterwards 14.00 Read more

Continue reading “Irish Hackerspaces Week”

Engineers Week Roundup

Wow! What a week in TOG. For Engineers Week we ran nine events over seven days. Throughout the week we had sixty nine people attending talks and workshops covering radio , pcb’s, arduino , robots and soldering . It has been a great success for all involved, for many participants it was their first time visiting TOG, many found the talks and workshops a great avenue to furthering their interests. Visitors were encouraged by the ethos of the hackerspace and enjoyed the “hack to learn” aspect of the community.

Throughout the coming year TOG will be continuing to host a number of events to foster innovation in science, technology, modern culture and creative arts.

Arduino Workshop

Workshop Description:

The task is simple we will spend the day working with Arduino’s.

In the morning workshop we will run and a beginners Arduino programming class; showing you how to install and use the Arduino development environment, the features of the Arduino programming language and libraries, and showing how to use the Arduino and shields with some electronic devices.

In the afternoon workshop we will be bulk buying Freeduino kits and participants can spend the reset of the day soldering them up and getting familiar with the hardware.


Arduino Workshop :

€15 General public.

€12  Students/Unwaged.

€10  TOG members.

€25 Freeduino kit.


Sunday 14th of February.

Arduino Workshop : 10:30 to 14:00

Freeduino Building: 14:30 to 18:00


In TOG. See location page.

The morning workshop will be limited to 8 participants. The afternoon workshop will have a flexible limit for participants and is free, but requiring a Freeduino kit.No electronics skills required. Participants must be at least 18 years old. Workshop open to ALL.  Prepayment at time of booking is required for this workshop  via paypal.

To book please use the contact form below.

Continue reading “Arduino Workshop”

Introduction to the Arduino Platform

Event Description:

The night will be a quick introduction to the Arduino platform; showing you the Arduino development environment, the features of the Arduino programming language, and showing some Arduino hardware and shields.


This is a free event open to all.Use contact form below for booking.


Wednesday 10th of February. 19.00 to 22.00 Booked out. Another day added.

Thursday 11th of February. 19.00 to 22.00.

This event is booked out. Please join our mailing list to keep up to date for future events. Mailing List Subscribe Link


In TOG. See location page.

No electronics skills required. Participants must be at least 18 years old. Event open to ALL. Limited to 12 participants per Event.

To book please use the contact form below.

Continue reading “Introduction to the Arduino Platform”