Do you have broken items at-home – clothes, small appliances, toys, electronics?
No need to throw them away! Save your things from the landfill and your wallet from having to replace them.
Bring them to our repair café and learn how to fix them together with our volunteers. We have tools, materials, space to work on your item, and repair experts who will help you with your repair.
TOG members will be on hand to show you around the space – come and enjoy a tea or coffee and a tour while you wait!
What objects can you bring in?
Clothes and accessories
Small electrical appliances and electronics
Small furniture … and many other things! Safety (PAT) testng for electrical devices will be available.
The Makers is a documentary film in which a number of makers share their personal journeys as makers. Every maker has a different story to tell, a different set of circumstances, and a specific and unique personal path to where they are now. What unites them all is the satisfaction that comes of following their dreams, finding their space, realising their true passions. This film is a celebration of that and a tribute to all those who find their sense of belonging through finding themselves.
We are proud to have three of our members and our space featured.
TOG turned eleven this year and in those eleven years we have gone from strength to strength. We currently find ourselves in our third space at 22 Blackpitts in the south city centre. It has been a great home to us for these past 5 years. Our lease expires shortly and although we will be renewing, we do not know if we will have a long term lease and the building might also end up for sale.
So we are beginning our search for a new long-term home which will become TOG 4.0. We would like to find a space between the canals if possible, and ideally in the city centre. In the mean time, we continue with our visitor activities (online due to Covid 19) and TOG members can still physically access and use the space. We continue to welcome new members. So keep in touch with us and if you know of any locations which which may be of interest to us, drop us a line. Closeness to public transport is a plus, given our diverse membership and visitor profile. We might also be interested in partnering or co-locating with other organisations. We will keep you informed of any developments.
This New Year, TOG reached a truly magic milestone of 100 members. From small beginnings in 2009, our membership has grown steadily. TOG had its first meeting on the 21st of January 2009, when a group of 17 people came together with the intention of setting up a new hackerspace in Dublin. In less than 3 months we were up and running with over 20 members and a roof over our head. 11 years later we are in our third space with a more diverse group of members than ever, and new activities like never before. Recent times have seen an active film making community using our space, as well as members individual projects including the making of beds and boats no less!
This coming Saturday 25th January from 7pm, we will be celebrating our combined 11th Birthday, 100th member and regular Open Social all rolled into one. Drop in and see us. We’re not sure if we can fit 100 candles on the birthday cake, but we’ll try! The party is free to attend for both members and visitors alike. No need to book…. just turn up. Drop in for 10 minutes, or stay the whole night. We have parking available. If you’ve never been in before, we’ll give you the grand tour of the space. Talk to members and visitors about projects or things that you’d like to do. If you like what you see, ask about joining as a full member. Since the beginning, every new member has brought new skills, their passion for making and their curiosity to us. Come and join us on our journey to 200 members.
Tech Won’t Build It visit Tog Dublin on Wednesday, September 18 from 7PM to 9PM, to host a discussion on current happenings in technology: activism, ethics, unionisation, regulation and the law are all in scope.
Our regular discussion series on current happenings in technology: activism, ethics, unionisation, regulation and the law are all in scope.
We have guests from the Game Workers Unite union joining us for Q+A this month.
Wave Hackers experimental music group. An experimental audio research & performance group, a place for artists, dreamers, geeks, hackers, nerds, outcasts, weirdos, rebels and scientists to experiment and create. Everything from circuit bending to instrument design and creation. Everyone welcome no matter experience. Come learn and share but most importantly have fun. Hosted by Seb, Friday 19th April, from 7 to 10 pm. Let us know you’re coming on meetup.
The return of the singer/songwriter
Open Social: We open the doors to all-comers once a month for our Open Social event. This month it’s on Saturday 20th April, from 7 pm until the last one leaves. Come and see what happens in Dublin’s only hackerspace. Contributions of food and drink are always welcome. Club Bodge are threatening cheese and wine (bought, not made).
Lock Picking: Conor runs lock picking nights every other Monday, you never know when you may have put your skills into practice… We open padlocks, mostly taken from the Halfpenny Bridge, handcuffs, and various other locks, all without the original keys. Intrigued? Come along to lock-picking on Monday 1st, Monday 15th, and Monday 29th April, starting at 7 pm. Tools provided, and there are some for sale.
Craft Night: The Crafters are an eclectic bunch, engaging in embroidery, sewing, knitting, screen printing, crochet, drawing, painting, and other craft skills. You can bring a project along, start one from scratch, we have materials, tools and supplies to help you out. Every other Wednesday, this month on the 3rd and 17th April. 7 pm start.
Electronics and Micro Controller Night: Gary runs Electronics and Micro Controller night, every Monday that isn’t a Lock-Picking night. We have an electronics room with a dizzying variety of equipment and bits and pieces to get you started if you’re a beginner. Basic kits for sale and lots of expertise on offer. This month’s evenings will be on Monday 8th and the 22nd April, starting at 7 pm and finishing at 9 pm. We don’t supply laptops, so bring your own.
CAD Night: Krzysztof and Louise host the 3D printing and laser cutting night, every second Wednesday (coincides with Craft Night), in April the 3rd, 17th, from 7 pm to 9 pm. We have a working Prusa Mk 3 3D printer, and a Lasersaur for laser cutting. Recommended that you bring your own laptop.
Coding: If you’re looking for a space to work on your own side project, or if you need help with some programming problem, come along to coding nights on alternate Mondays, the 1st, 15th and 29th April. Please bring your own laptop, we don’t provide the hardware.
The Science Fiction Book Club: While you are waiting for the future to arrive, why not be amazed at what others have imagined it will be like? This month we are reading a (non-Culture) novel by Iain M. Banks, Against A Dark Background. We’ll be eating cake and discussing it on Wednesday April 24th, at 7.30 pm.
Wikipedia Editing: Rebecca will instruct on how to become a Wikipedia editor, this happens every last Wednesday of the month, April 24th starting at 7 pm. You can’t edit without a computer, though, so please bring a laptop.
Team Bodge are in the space most Wednesday afternoons, from 3.30 pm until they run out of steam. Bring along your broken or faulty gadgets or computers – or anything else you’d like fixed – and James and Brendan will help you out, with advice, tools, expertise and the occasional spare part. Members only, check the mailing list for time and date confirmation.