Science Week

Final colur 2013 logo with themeTOG will be hosting a night of inspiring talks, on diverse subjects from dolphins to space and everything in between for Science Week. Short snappy talks will cover much science and leave you with plenty to think about the world around us. Each talk will be no longer than fifteen minutes with a break after three talks.

Date: Thursday 14th November

Time: Door’s from 6.30pm, start at 7pm

Tickets: No booking required, free entry.



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Bubble Bird House at the Picnic


We are delighted to be invited to this year’s Electric Picnic, taking place this weekend. The new and improved Bubble Bird House will be spreading bubbles all over the Midfield area.

Since the Dublin Mini Maker Faire, we have replaced the fans of the bird house with new more powerful ones. This should help the bubbles blow even further around the site. It turns out that bubble mixture and motors don’t mix . We had to replace all the motors due to corrosion. But never mind all that, with all the replacement parts now in place version 2.6 is better than ever.

To find us, look for the Science Gallery tent ( our hosts)  in the Mindfield area. Map Here

OHM: Irish Embassy




OHM 2013 “Observe, Hack, Make”

This is a five day outdoor international camping conference, hosted every four years, for hackers, makers and those with an inquisitive mind. On 31st July 2013, 3000 of those minds will descend upon on an unassuming patch of land, at the Geestmerambacht festival grounds, 30km north of Amsterdam.

The Irish hacker & maker communities travelling to OHM invites you all to join us in forming an “Irish Embassy” This will be our village presence at the camp. We’ll be show casing any participant projects and coming up with new collaborative initiatives as the camp progresses. Become one of the Irish inhabitants or at least drop by and say Conas ata tú? We look forward to seeing all our friends and making new ones.

Learn to Solder Summer Festivals


We are bringing out famous ‘Learn to Solder’ area to a number of festivals this summer. Our fun packed area gives kids of all ages the chance to learn some basics electronics and soldering skills. As always we use partfusion‘s ( Irish Maker)  fabulous I can solder badge and we will have a few surprise kits this summer too. We hope to see you at some of the festivals listed below.



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