Engineer’s Week: Bridge Building Competition


For Engineers Week, we are holding our fourth annual bridge building competition on Saturday 5th of March from 11am.

Two Identical sessions will take place. The morning session – 11:00 – 13.30. The afternoon session 14:30 – 17:00.

This is a family-friendly competition that puts teams against one another to build the strongest bridge. Engineering theory and building materials will be provided to help you during construction. Check out the videos from last year below or our gallery.


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Ice Skating

During our last meetup, the topic of a Tog festive meetup came up.  We decided we ice-skates-308633_960_720wanted a non pub meetup for our next meeting. As its a festive time of the year we picked ice skating. This actively only shows up in our fair city a few months of the year so why not make use of it. We will be making our way out to Dundrum next Tuesday. You will see someone in a tog tshirt.

Date: 08/12/15 Start at 20:00
Booking Link: Prebook or pay when you
get there.




New Constitution

With the formation of Tog Hackerspace Dac we will have a new set of rules to govern our organisation. The new constitution can be viewed on our website on the top menu. For the next few months both versions of Tog will still continue to run but the old unincorporated association will be phased out. We now have a board of directors to handle the day to day running our the space.They were voted in and will be taking instruction from our membership.  If you are unsure how all this works do get in touch and we are happy to explain any parts of it.

Board of Directors

  • Jeffrey Roe – CEO
  • Robert Fitzsimons – Company Sectary
  • Sean Nicholls
  • Shane Phelan
  • Andrew Felle

Tog Hackerspace Designated Activity Company

IMG_0669Lots of things are changing with Tog not just our address. We are changing our internal structure to help the group grow. We have formed a Designated Activity Company or DAC for short. A DAC is a new company structure created by the Companies Act 2014. We will have to reaffirm a set of goals that we will have to strive to implement.

The objects for which the company is established are the promotion of innovation in science, technology, modern culture, and creative arts and the doing of all such other things as are incidental or conductive to the attainment of the above objective.

We will be publishing the new constitution and most details in the coming weeks. In the mean time we will be have a Social Meetup to celebrate. There will be cake.


Thursday 26th November, 19.30, Upstairs,  Longstone, 11 Townsend St, Dublin 2, D02 FE00


Social Meetup

While we are still closed to the public, we thought it would be nice to see you all again.  We are going to have a social meetup this week in the Longstone. Feel free to bring the latest project or creation with you. We will be taking over the upstairs sections from 7.30pm.

Thursday 12th November, 19.30, Upstairs,  Longstone, 11 Townsend St, Dublin 2, D02 FE00