SuperCollider Workshop

supercolliderSuperCollider is a platform for audio synthesis and algorithmic composition, used by musicians, artists, and researchers working with sound. It is free and open source software available for Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux. With it’s GUI that can interface with external controllers. In a client / server architecture, it features a library providing for acoustic research, algorithmic music, interactive programming and live coding. The objective of this workshop is to learn the basics of the language and apprehend time in its projects to develop complex scenarios by orchestrating and communication of its internal and external processes to SuperCollider.

Workshop Leader BioSébastien Clara is multidisciplinary, he is computer scientist, musician and musicologist. He has compted a musicology course (my humanities) concluded with a Master of Science in Computer Music and Master of Music Research. At the present time, He is a PhD student and teaches computer music at Jean Monnet University of St-Étienne. He is also a keen trumpet player.

Blog :
Participants: Must bring a laptop with SuperCollier pre-installed and a set of headphones.

Dates: Saturday 29th of October 11:00 – 15:00

Cost: Free but requires preregistration. See below.

This workshop is for adults only.

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Space Upgrade September 2016

We are always doing upgrades and improvements in our space.  Below are some of our latest.

IMG_20160910_160425 IMG_20160910_155922IMG_20160910_155556

We have added in extraction systems in each of our toilets. We have disabled the urinal and changed the toilets to be gender neutral.



More desks. We have added a new desk near our lathe and another one in the electronics room.





General clear out. We also filled a skip with building waste and general stuff left over from the move.




Check out our gallery for a full photo set of the changes.

Coder Girl Hack Day

Coder Girl Hack Day is a one day tech event focusing on creative wearables, maker magic and web development. It a celebrate of International Day of the Girl and EU Code Week. It brings together the community for an inclusive family event featuring learning sessions for girls & parents. This year, the event will be held on October 15th in Dog Patch Labs, CHQ. The event takes the form of a number of tracks to give participators different flavors of creative endeavors.
Tog is teaming up with Intel Ireland to add the maker element to the day. Last year, we had the girls create light houses, this year continuing on the light theme we will be making shadow boxes. These boxes can be used to make cool lighting displays or shadow puppets shows.
This is made possible by an eclectic mix of community groups and industry supporters. Here in Tog , we are proud to be one of them. Tickets Below.

Electric Picnic 2016


Electric Picnic marks the end of the Irish summer. Some say its too late and summer is already over by the time it happens due to the amount of rain that typically lands on the festival. We were invited by the Science Gallery to run two different workshops over the course of the festival.  We ran a locking picking session and a field test of the conductivity of liquids.

Over the two days festival goers were entertain by being handcuffed to each other and left to pick their way out  and with the kids being amazed to find out distilled water does not conduct electricity. Check out our gallery for the full photo set.



Pew! Pew! 5 things you need to know to start laser cutting

Our own Jeffrey Roe talked to Silicon Republic all about laser cutters. Read an extract of the story below.


Ever dreamed of running your very own laser cutter? Here are five tips to get you started cutting shapes into everyday items like wood or paper.

Laser cutting – sometimes called etching or engraving – is not only one of the coolest ways of bringing a design to life but also, by far, the most accurate.

While it might be easy to design and cut out a small sign by hand, a laser cutter can do so much more, such as the kind of multi-layered lettering and design that even a skilled artist would struggle to execute.


With so many possibilities, you might be wondering: how does the average person get involved in laser cutting and, more importantly, is it prohibitively expensive?

After all, when it comes to laser cutting, my first thoughts usually veer towards the famous scene in the James Bond film, Goldfinger, in which a giant laser gradually edges towards the groin of the British spy.

In reality, laser cutters are far less powerful – and a lot more realistic. Yet they still have enough power to burn through most thin wood, paper or plastic to create a design you need.

To get a look at one in action, popped down to the impressive Tog hackerspace in Dublin where its CEO, Jeffrey Roe, was on hand to take us through what you need to get started.

Read the full story on their website ->

Continue reading “Pew! Pew! 5 things you need to know to start laser cutting”

Workshops at Electric Picnic



It has been three years since we have taken our creations to Electric Picnic and showed festival goers what a hackerspace is. This year we are being hosted by our friends Science Gallery Dublin in the Mindfield area.

Over Saturday & Sunday will we be giving locking picking workshops and getting visitors to test the conductivity of liquids in a home made field test. There are a host of other hands on activities for the makers at heart. They all run from 12:00 – 14:40. For a full timetable visit the Science Gallery website.