AGM Outcomes

Last Saturday 4th of February, we held the first AGM of the new Tog Hackerspace company. It has been a long process for us to move legal structure over the course of the last number of years. Our first AGM shows all these process are now in place and our new members get a chance to see how our organisation is run. 


New Code of Conduct

We have always had a section in our constitution about how members and the public should interact with each other but we felt a little more was needed. After a lot of internal discussions, we created an additional code to supplement what we have in our constitution. Our members have voted in the new code at our AGM. You can view it on our website. -> code of conduct


Directors Elections

We are delighted to Andrew Felle, Ben Field and William McLoughlin being elected to our board of directors. The board handles all legal requirements on behave of our members. We would like to thank our outgoing director Jeffrey Roe for this work over the past year. Our full board of directors is listed before. 

Board of Directors

  • Robert Fitzsimons
  • Sean Nicholls
  • Shane Phelan
  • Andrew Felle
  • Ben Field
  • William McLoughlin

Workshop Improvements

We have been improving our workshop a lot lately. Check out some of the work below.



We have found a new home for our air compressor and mounted it on our metal shelves.   We also mounted a air hose reel. It makes using air tools in our workshop very easy.



Label all the things. If you have a lot of stuff, soon you find yourself in a situation where you can’t find anythings. We have done a big sorting job of our stuff. So now most things have their own box.



We have long things like pipes  hat need to be put somewhere but they don’t fit in our current wood storage area. Long things now have their own area . aka Long things storage.

Drop by our upcoming Birthday Party to see a host of changes we have made to the space since our opening last year.

Laser Cutting Pencil Jig

Last weekend a bunch of our members visited the annual BT Young Scientist & Technology Exhibition. It’s always great fun to walk around and to chat to all the students about their projects. It’s fantastic to see how Arduino’s and Raspberry Pi’s have just become tools for the students to carry out their project.


Also at the exhibition were the Stem Module. It’s a mobile truck filled with all sorts of scientific and fabrication equipment to help delivery education programs to school kids. While getting the tour of the truck, we spotted a laser cutting jig for making custom pencils. We really liked the idea, so we decided to give it a go.



Laser Cutting Jib by the Stem Module.
Laser Cutting Jib by the Stem Module.


So we started off with testing if cutting pencils would work on our Lasersaur.


After this successful test, we tried out a single line font from Robert McNeel and a jig to cut ten pencils in one go.


We are mostly happy with the results. Below you can see the side by side comparison. I think with a better quality  pencils and raising the lens of the Lasersaur would get better accuracy. You can download our design here.



We are at 33c3


Some of us have travel across the seas to visit the 33rd annual Chaos Communication Congress (33C3). It’s a four days of total hacker fun. Filled with talks, workshops and many a good time.

If you are at Congress be sure to drop by the Irish Embassy and Tog Assembly. If you can’t make it along in person you can watch it all live streamed over the internet. ->

Check out the sign Tdr made for the occasion. 3 sheets of 3mm plywood glued together. For photos of the build check out our gallery.





We wanted to spreed a bit of cheer the season that’s in it. We decided to make some baubles. The fabulous Louise Nolan did up lovely design. We cut them all on our laser cutter and then with the help of all the craters, we have them ready to send to friends of Tog.

If you would like to make your own our designed is available here or check out more photo of the fun we had making them in our gallery.