WHO AM I Screening at the IFI

The Goethe-Institut´s regional project Fading Memories are hosting a special screening of “Who am I” by Baran bo Odar in the IFI. Following the screening there will be a panel discussion with Renate Samson, Chief Executive of Big Brother Watch (London), Una Mullally, journalist and columnist with The Irish Times and William McLoughlin from TOG Dublin Hackerspace.

The screening will take place on Wednesday 5th April 2017. For tickets visit the IFI website



Engineers Week – Night of Talks





As part of Engineers Week we are running a Night of Short Talks in TOG on Thursday 9th of  March kicking off at 7:30pm. The night will be made up of a number of talks on a range of topics. 


Title: Car Computer Hacking

Speaker: Daniel Cussen

Many people are afraid to meddle with their cars often due to the fear of a complicated computer running under the hood with no easy way to see what the computer is thinking or doing. We unveil the computer and show low cost interfaces and easy ways to diagnose and repair faults along with modifications and DIY servicing and upgrades. Take the fear out of automotive repair and avoid costly dealer maintenance and repair all using free apps and Bluetooth and USB interfaces. We will also discuss diesel-gate and emissions monitoring.

Title: Google Tango Technology

Speaker: Gleb Lebedev

An overview on Google Tango technology – how it works and what applications it may have. As an example I’ll show a game I made for the Global Game Jam 2017 that uses Tango for positional tracking.

Title :A Maker journey – From The Start

Speaker: Peter Knief

 A collage of the objects that Peter has created and how he developed his personal maker skills and experience with no budget. 

Title : The power of Maths when making 3D Designs 

Speaker: Izabela Siudak




Maker Faire UK 2017

 We are off to Newcastle. \o/ . We are excited at being accepted to Maker Faire UK. This will be our 5th year showing casing at the event. Our April would just not be the same without it. 

This year the plan is to showcase a constellation umbrella made by Robert along with other members projects. If you are in Newcastle be sure to stop by on the 1st or 2nd for a duck and hackerspace stamp.

Lovelace Space

A new makerspace is on the scene in Dublin, Lovelace Space. The space is named after Ada Lovelace, the mathematician, writer and world’s first computer programmer. The space is still in the planing stage but that is not stopping them from hosting their first event this weekend in the Black Sheep pub.  You can read about their cross stitch workshop on their website.

This new space joins a vibrant community of spaces and fablabs across this island. You can read about some of them in the links below.




Will Knott In The National Finals of Famelab Ireland

Our very own Will Knott has made it into the national finals of Famelab Ireland after giving a very entertaining talk at the Cork heats. Famelab is a global science communication competition that brings people from all backgrounds to just 3 minutes to convey a scientific concept of their choice. 

Check out Will’s talk below about “how he destroyed a planet”.


See Will and all the other finalists on the Thursday 13 April, 6.30pm, in the Science Gallery Dublin.