We had Henry McKean drop into Tog to see if he could get the famed Newstalk toaster fixed. He chatted with our members Jeffrey Roe & Louise Nolan about throwaway culture and the repair movement. You can check out the podcast of the interview below.
The Dublin Hackerspace
We had Henry McKean drop into Tog to see if he could get the famed Newstalk toaster fixed. He chatted with our members Jeffrey Roe & Louise Nolan about throwaway culture and the repair movement. You can check out the podcast of the interview below.
We are bringing our demo and projects along to the Dublin Science Week Family Open Day on Saturday 17th of November. There will be two sessions for all the family to see science shows, experiments and lots of hands-on activities. The event takes place in The Convention Centre Dublin and tickets can be booked on the following link. https://www.eventbrite.ie/e/dublin-science-week-family-open-day-tickets-51871722719
We are hosting on a night of talks to coincide with Science Week in conjunction with the Young Engineers Society. A week of nationwide events to celebrate science in our everyday lives. We have six exciting talks on a diverse range of topics. Each speaker will have 15 minutes to cover a topic they are passionate about. The event will kick off at 7pm on Thursday 15th of November. The event is free with no booking required. You can read more about each of the talks below.
Description: You have been asked to bring your project to a Maker Faire, art show, bring a hack or meetup. This is the first time other humans will interact with your project. Will, it survive being used by people who don’t know what it is? or by countless children’s hands who don’t fully listen to your instructions.This talk will give you the tips and tricks to make your project more robust, intuitive and safer for the general public to try out. We will cover hardware tricks such as volume control, fuses, radio signals. Also the importance of signage, instructions, and labeling.
Maker Faire Rome takes place on Friday 12th until Sunday 14th. Two of our own will have stands on at the event. Jeffrey Roe will be showcasing his Skull Radio. Robert Fitzsimons will be showcasing his Planetarium Umbrella And Wearables.
The Dublin Raspberry Pi Jam team are hosting their 2nd jam and this time it’s in Tog. We are happy to play host to the growing Dublin Raspberry community. This jam will focus more on bringing your own equipment and working on projects. They want to emphasise that it is not a workshop, it’s an event where you feel free to ask questions and for help as well as share your own project and ideas to one another.
The event takes place on November 3rd, 2018 from 12:30. the event is free but requires tickets. For full information visit https://ti.to/dublin-raspberry-pi-jam/2nd-pi-jam/ .
Our Sci Fi book club is back. To kick things off we read Rendezvous with Rama by Arthur C. Clarke for the month of July. It divided option on the night with it’s view of technology and the ending. For the month of August we are reading a double feature by Philip K. Dick, with A Scanner Darkly and Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? . Our book club is open to anyone to come along be it eye or ear readers. We will be meeting on Wednesday 25th of August from 7pm. We hope to see you there.