St Patricks Festival – Festival Village

Over the course of the bank holiday weekend, Merrion Square will be transformed into a bustling Festival Village, with three days of fantastic events,  fun adventures and glorious food.

We will be there on Monday 18th March from 12pm till 6pm in the Science Foundation Ireland Science Zone.

We will be entertaining visitors with our mix of projects, demos and all-round fun.

For more information of whats going on visit St Patricks Festival

Science Hackday Dublin

Ya Science \o/.  We are proud to be hosting Science Hack Day Dublin again. A 36 hr hardware and software hackathon. A social event with creativity and love of science and technology at its heart. A get together for designers, scientists, coders, engineers and makers to simply to make interesting things. Why? For adventure, for playfulness, for science!

Join us on Sat, 9th March 2019, & Sun, 10th March 2019.

Book your free tickets now ->

There are also Childcare and Travel Bursaries available for those
travelling or have little ones at home. Apply via the link below.

New Board

This January our AGM was held and we elected a new board of directors .

Jeffrey Roe

Robert Fitzsimons

Brendan Bradley

Christian Kortenhorst

Raspberry Jam Big Birthday Event

The Dublin Raspberry Pi Jam team are hosting their 3rd jam and this time Raspberry Pi will also be turning seven years old.  There will be a weekend of Pi Jams taking place all over the world.

We are happy to play host to the growing Dublin Raspberry community. This jam will focus more on bringing your own equipment and working on projects. They want to emphasise that it is not a workshop, it’s an event where you feel free to ask questions and for help as well as share your own project and ideas to one another. 

The event takes place on Saturday March 2nd, 2019 from 12:30. the event is free but requires tickets. For full information visit