We are hosting on a night of talks to coincide with Science Week in conjunction with the Young Engineers Society. A week of nationwide events to celebrate science in our everyday lives. We have six exciting talks on a diverse range of topics. Each speaker will have 15 minutes to cover a topic they are passionate about. The event will kick off at 7pm on Thursday 15th of November. The event is free with no booking required. You can read more about each of the talks below.
Title: “False Balance and Science Communication.”
Description: Today’s good reporting aims to be as balanced as possible which is admirable. However, we are seeing it being misused to drive pseudoscience and scaremongering ideas. By equating fact and opinion how can we expect the public to know who they can trust?
Title: “People Proofing Projects”
Description: You have been asked to bring your project to a Maker Faire, art show, bring a hack or meetup. This is the first time other humans will interact with your project. Will, it survive being used by people who don’t know what it is? or by countless children’s hands who don’t fully listen to your instructions.This talk will give you the tips and tricks to make your project more robust, intuitive and safer for the general public to try out. We will cover hardware tricks such as volume control, fuses, radio signals. Also the importance of signage, instructions, and labeling.
Title: “Hackers: Who are they and why do they do it?”
Description: The press is filled with stories of banks being ‘hacked’, personal details leaked and people losing money through ‘on-line scams’. Who are the people behind this, why do they do it, and is it all bad?
Title: “Perceptions of multicultural world with population genetics,”
Description: The changing the way we look at a multicultural world with population genetics, and the ethical questions still to be answered?
Title: “Éirloop journey. Last year Éirloop was Ireland’s first entry into the SpaceX Student Hyperloop competition”
Éirloop surpassed over 700 applications to become one of 20 teams to be selected to bring their pod to SpaceX HQ to do high speed tests and compete against 19 teams for the title of fastest Hyperloop Pod. The talk will take the audience through how Éirloop went from the drawing board to SpaceX HQ and how we fared in the competition.
Speaker: Heather Murphy
Title: “Accessibility”
Description: How people with disabilities access technology Assistive Technology and Universal Design.