Makerspace Provision in Dublin Research Report

A recent report has been published by Norman Thompson – Economic Development Researcher, Dublin City Council on makerspaces in the Dublin region. The report goes into detail about the different spaces and what they offer. It is a very interesting read and sets out the current landscape. You can download the report below with the following link.

Carnival of Science

Cork Carnival of Science at Fitzgerald Park features non-stop, family-friendly experiments, interactive activities, garden games, street cuisine and a packed line-up of live demonstrations, big top shows, hands on workshops and entertainment. Activities will include making batteries, meeting live zoo animals, checking out the inner workings of robots and extracting DNA with free entry for all to enjoy.

Taking place on Saturday 11th and Sunday 12th of June 2022. 

Cork Carnival of Science features seated Big Top shows from RTE’s science show Lets Find Out “Mark the Science Guy” and Science Magic from W5 Belfast. Hands on workshops are offered by the Royal Society of Chemistry, MadLab, Learn it LEGO Education, Bubbly Maths and include. Marquees from Analog Devices feature interactive exhibits and challenges, and you can journey into space with Blackrock Castle Observatory. Throughout the day walk about performances will pop up from Eureka Edinburgh, Dr. Ken and Circus 250. Activity stands will be provided by Lifetime Lab, UCC Chemistry, UCC School of BEES, Fota Wildlife Park, Tyndall, Cork Sports Partnership and many many more.

We will be leaving Dublin and heading to Cork to showcase a range of maker-related projects and DIY culture. We will have interactive projects for visitors to try out and get hands on. See you all in Cork.

Repair Café Round Up

An event that was months in the works took place last week. We have been working on bringing a RepairCafe back to Dublin and it turned out brilliantly.

We had 36 items in for repair over the course of the day. Each one had a story and history behind it. Our visitors didn’t want to see it just end up in landfill. They wanted to see the items live on.

There were significant costs such as additional insurance, a PAT tester and PAT training. Without support from the @Accenture_Irl funding on the @ChangexHQ platform, it would not have been possible. Thanks to them we could put on this event. #AccentureSustainabilityChallenge

We also need to thank our local @RSIreland for the consumables that were used in many of the electronic/electrical repairs.

Lastly, we need to say thanks to all the fixers. We had both members of @TOG_Dublin and non-members helping out on the day. Without you, it would have just been an empty room. We will see you all at the next cafe in three months.

Check out more photos in our gallery from the event.

Dublin Maker 2022 – Open Call

Dublin Maker is returning this summer! In person. It will be their tenth year.

For those who might be unfamiliar with Dublin Maker, it’s a creative carnival of show and tell. The open call for this year’s Dublin Maker is now open to anyone who makes anything. They are open to all inventors, makers, hackers and creators. Whether you’re a tech enthusiast or a creative crafter we’d love for you to apply for a place at our biggest Dublin Maker yet.

Each year, they welcome educators, tinkerers, hobbyists, engineers, artists, science clubs, students, authors and commercial exhibitors of all ages and backgrounds.
Dublin Maker’s mission is to entertain, inform and connect the makers of Ireland while inspiring the next generation of Ireland’s makers and inventors and we want you to be part of it. The open call will run until May 29th.

We are super proud to be a supporting organization and helping make this great event going.

Welding Workshop Night

Below is a report from Sophie on a recent Welding workshop night in Tog.

“ I am a new TOG member. I have been interested in learning to weld for a while, so I sent out an email to the member’s list. I asked if there were any proficient welders that would be interested in teaching me the basics. 

Patrick responded, offering to teach me. A few more members followed up requesting to join and it became a workshop.

Patrick is a great teacher and we had loads of fun learning and practising together. Thanks again!

This is what I love about Tog. If you want to learn something, you’re guaranteed to have someone that has done it before and is willing to help you. It’s a great community of makers and curious brains.”

We are always open for new members to join. Pop along to one of our open nights to learn more.

Balbriggan Mini Maker Day

The Our Balbriggan Loves Learning festival will take place from April 19-30 and will explore a range of learning and upskilling opportunities. As part of the festival, there will be a Balbriggan Mini Maker Day on Saturday 23rd from 10 am till 5 pm in Balbriggan Library, Saint George’s Square, Balbriggan, CO. Dublin. K32 TW27.

The day is open to visitors both young and old for a day of family-friendly workshops and maker showcases. On the day there will be a mix of workshops suitable for all ages, from coding and game crafting to lego making and LED art.

There will be an abundance of activities for small kids and big kids too. An exciting show and tell area where Makers will showcase their crafts and you’ll discover the art of making.

Tog will be on hand to showcase what our makers get up to including homemade satellite receives, IOT air quality sensors and metalwork. Drop by our stand and say hello.

For more information about the event please visit.

Update Check out our photos from the day.