Hackathon Pallet bucket seat

This weekend we worked on a few project

This chair is made from a pallet, some foam & red velvet, check out insctructable for how we made it.

Working on a heat exchange for roof, it works off 350 cans painted black mounted on roof of TOG and then heat is pumped back into space. Will keep you up to date when we get further on with project main need is to fill up frame then take out bottom and top of cans.

Rubens Tube in the Box V3.0

Its 9 feet hight with 150 hold 2mm wide drilled ever 1.5mm in staleness steel.

This is the 3rd attempt Making a rubens Tube at TOG, Dublin. Credit: Namit & Liam

Rubens tube dancing to electro

Lessons learned:
One very important thing I learned when building this and drilling such small holes cool your bit as much as possible otherwise you will end up spending a lot on bits that you do not want to.

Updated video from social night:

Social Night Saturday May 7th

Come one come all:
We will be have a social night next Saturday 7th of May starting around 6pm if weather is night BBQ is on the cards. If weather is nice might start bit earlier but keep an eye out for what we are up to on website or get involved during the week.

One more TOG sign

Finsihed off Tog 2.0 sign made from straigth steel and bending around form in picture below, then branded onto block of wood.

Tog sign

Bending form, we found doing very small bends was best way of doing this.