Metal Lathe

latheLate last year TOG took delivery of a new toy…. a brand new metal lathe. At about 600Kg, it’s probably the heaviest bit of equipment that we have in the space. We had some fun getting it in the door……and yes we did measure the door before we ordered it 🙂 . A bit of heaving and ho’ing with an engine crane and we soon had it up on its cabinet stands. We spent a few weeks assembling it, reviewing all the accessories and getting it all tested. We have 3 and 4 jaw chucks, live and dead centres, steady rests and a number of other tools and accessories.

We’ve had some great instruction from one of our members relatives. We’re now slowly beginning to use it. Our crafters kindly made a nice protective cover from some spare vinyl. The lathe is a great addition to our workshop . We have a brand new MIG welder on the way too, thanks to one of our regular workshop user/members.  We even have a CNC Mill in our sights too….right Ed 🙂 .  Drop in and have a tour of our workshop. You can see all of our tools and equipment. More pics here…..Lathe Pics



pizza oven 2Every pizza joint around here knows TOG. You hardly ever have to explain to them where we are. So it was high time that we made our own pizza oven in the yard.

Loads of pics here

First we had to set some cavity blocks. There’s quite a slope on TOG’s yard so the left side was about 20mm lower than the right. The left side blocks had to be raised to compensate. After the bottom 4 blocks were set, the others were simply stacked on top. Lengths of timber, painted with bitumen paint for waterproofing, were laid across the top, Now we had a suitable platform to build on.

Continue reading “Pizza”

TOG open on Sat 27th December

get in hereBy Sat 27th December, after two days of Christmas festivities, hopefully you’ll be in the mood to get out and about. We’ll be opening up TOG from about 2PM until very very late. It will be open social style opening……just an excuse to come in, hang out, get some music on, call out for some food etc. If you’re around town, drop in for a break from the post Christmas shopping. The kettle will be on.

Maybe you’ve been thinking about coming in or even joining. It’s a great chance to see the space and what we’ve been up to in 2014. Whether you’re a member or visitor, its free to come in. We’ll be talking about plans and projects for 2015.  Hope to see you on the 27th. The craic will be mighty.

TOG at Repair Cafe

repair_smallTOG will be at Sandymount Repair Cafe this coming Saturday (27th) 2pm – 5pm  in Christchurch Hall, Sandymount.

A repair cafe is where people come together and fix all sorts of things. Experts work along side the object’s owner and take a journey together to repair things. The hope is next time you will be able to fix something yourself .

If you have something that is in need of repair and want to know how to do it, drop by on Saturday.

Culture Night…. Update

H6931-Culture-Night-LogoWe were mobbed with visitors on culture night 🙂 . If you made it in to see us, thanks for coming and hopefully you got to look around the space and to see some of our projects. Drop in again anytime we’re open. If you would like to look around again or you missed something, we can give you another tour. You don’t need to be a member to visit and there’s no charge.

You can join our mailing list…. click on the link down the left side. We’ll keep you informed of our activities. This Thursday (25th Sep) we have coding night. Our next brewday is coming up soon also. Check the events tab at the top of this page.


Photo Workshop Completed

Dub_CasWe completed TOG’s photo workshop today. Yesterday, just as everyone got film loaded, the rain threatened to spoil the day. It soon cleared and we all headed for Dublin Castle and environs. Despite a few minor calamities, everyone got a roll of B&W film exposed and developed. The workshop continued today with printing. Everyone got a contact print done and a chance to make some test exposures and prints.

Pics here…