A hackers delight since the 60s, and a ‘disruptive’ element of most topics today.
So we’re happy to start another regular night in Tog: Mobile Phone Filmmaking.
Mobile Filmmaking and Mobile Journalism (shortened to MOJO) refers to: filming, editing and publishing stories from your phone.
Thats what we plan to learn and practice with this nite at Tog.
The main thing you’ll need for it is a camera phone; tho of course you can bring and use other devices too.
We will teach some techniques (the night will be open to everyone, from total beginners to experienced filmmakers) and practice others … and team up for demonstrations and competitions as we go along too!
The main editing app we will use is called Kinemaster which allows you to edit your clips together; its free and works on iphone & android.
Some of the online communities we’ll take inspiration from are those that sprung up around vine, snapchat and other platforms… there’s some compilations out there to get an idea of what they are about.
There are Irish groups such as the Dublin Filmmakers Collective and MOJOCon which might be of interest.
What are some of the techniques we’ll learn?
A simple one is the 5-shot sequence for capturing actions:
There are plenty of MOJO tutorials you can find online, here’s one example.
Being able to make and tell stories that you film from your phone has lots of applications: hackers & makers might want to show off their latest invention, or do an interview with an interesting visitor … filmmakers, journalists, comedians, actors, activists and really anyone who wants to get media-literate and tell stories/phobile-moans will also be interested.
This night will run 7-9pm every 2nd Thursday from Oct 12th until the end of the year (and we’ll take stock then).
We’ll try to develop an online community in parallel with doing so in the meetspace.
Hopefully it will be a fun, engaging and useful process for all involved.
See you on the 12th!