What’s happening in Tog in February

Open Social: We open to the general public once a month, in February it’s Saturday 16th, from 7-ish until the last one leaves. Want to know a little more about what we do? Want to join in? Come along, bring yourself, food, drink, ideas, chat.

Lock Picking: Our regular lock-picking night runs every other Monday, come along and learn how to pick a padlock. Or handcuffs, should you need. No questions asked. This month, lock-picking is on the 4th and 18th February, starting at 7 pm. Tools provided.

Craft Night: Craft night involves knitting, sewing, crochet, embroidery, CAD and 3D printing, all under one roof, all at the same time. Or anything else in the craft line that you’d like to do. Every second Wednesday, this month that’s the 6th and 20th February. 7 pm start.

Electronics and Micro Controller Night: Anything electronic, micro and hackable. All levels from beginners to experts, we have basic kits to get you started. Every Monday when there’s no lock-picking, the 11th and 25th February. Bring your own laptop. Starts at 7 pm.

Coding: Runs on the same Mondays as lock-picking, the 4th and 18th at 7pm. Come down and work on a project or help others with theirs. Laptop of your own pretty much essential, and bring your own side project.

Wikipedia Editing: is a great chance to learn how to edit Wikipedia, every last Wednesday of the month (27th February). Bring your laptop, there may be pizza! 7pm onwards.

The Science Fiction Book Club This month’s epic blockbuster is The Stars My Destination by Alfred Bester. It’s short. If you think too short, come and rant about it. If you think mercifully short, come and rant about it. Wednesday 27th February, 7.30 pm.

Smartphone Filmmaking Challenge

Saturday 26th 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Free filmmaking workshop and Film festival challenge


Calling all SMARTPHONE FILMMAKERS. The Dublin Smartphone Film Festival in association with TOG invite you to join us on the 26th for a Smartphone Filmmaking challenge. The challenge will be for filmmakers either as individuals or as a team to create a 1 min short film that they will create on the day of the challenge. All completed shorts will be displayed on the Dublin Smartphone Film Festival Website. The challenge is open to all filmmakers at any level and is an exciting opportunity to to learn how to create a short using just your phone.

Sign up below:



Wikipedia/Vicipéid birthdays!

As part of our monthly Wikipedia editing event on 30 January 2019, we will be celebrating not one, but two birthdays! January sees Wikipedia’s 18th birthday, as well as the 15th birthday of the Irish language version – Vicipéid!

Join us from 7-9pm in TOG for cake as we mark these great milestones. Like our usual events, if you have ever wondered how to get started editing Wikipedia, no editing experience is necessary, just bring along a laptop and we can show you how to make your first edits to the world’s largest encyclopedia in what ever language you like!

Any level of Wikimedia/Wikipedia editing experience is welcome. This is not a formal workshop, but an informal evening with an experienced Wikimedia editor on hand to help!

If Wikipedia isn’t to your taste, you can learn how to edit the huge linked database Wikidata, or add images to Wikimedia Commons.

Cake and pizza kindly supplied by Wikimedia Community Ireland.

Monday January 21 – Codes of Ethics in Technology talk

On Monday January 21st Tog will be hosting Laura Nolan who will be speaking on Codes of Ethics in Technology : Necessary But Not Sufficient. You can find this event on Meetup.

2018 was a year of unprecedented controversy in the technology industry, which has sparked media coverage, government inquiries and tech employee activism. Partly in response to this crisis, many technology firms have adopted ethical principles and guidelines about the kinds of technology they will develop and how it may be used. But do principles and guidelines make a difference without mechanisms for accountability?

Laura Nolan is a software engineer with a keen interest in professionalism in technology. Laura was part of the campaign within Google against the controversial Project Maven, which aimed to develop AI systems to analyse military drone footage. She is the founder of TechWontBuildIt Dublin and a member of the International Committee for Robot Arms Control.

What’s happening in Tog in January


!!!BIRTHDAY PARTY!!!: Tog will be ten years old this month, to celebrate we’re turning our customary Open Social night into a Party night. Saturday 26th January from 7 pm onwards, everyone welcome!

Street Party celebrating the Silver Jubilee of Elizabeth II at a street in Birkenhead, Merseyside, England on the 7th June 1977. Photo originally taken on a Polaroid instant camera. Digitally scanned on 11th July 2010.
Yup, we’re going to have this much fun.

Lock Picking: Happens on Mondays, 7th and 21st January from 7 to 9 pm, or until we’re tired and need to leave. Learn how to open a variety of padlocks harvested from the Halfpenny Bridge – handcuffs too, you never know when that may come in useful. Tools and expertise on hand, and basic lock picking sets are available for purchase, 16 euro each.

Coding: Runs on the same Mondays as lock picking, the 7th and 21st January at 7pm. Come down and work on a project or help others with theirs. Don’t forget to bring a laptop.

Craft Night: Every other Wednesday, the 9th and 23rd January at 7pm. Bring along an unwanted Christmas present and hack it into something cool. Or knit, sew, crochet, embroider, glue, fold, cut and solder away. We have sewing machines, a laser cutter and a 3D printer for the ambitious.

Electronics and Micro Controller Night: Runs every non-lock-picking Monday, the 14th and 28th January at 7pm. For all levels: Arduinos, Raspberry Pis and Intel Galileos, try our introduction to electronics worksheet. Some basic electronics kits available for sale. Bring your own laptop or notebook computer.

Wikipedia Editing: learn how to contribute to the world’s most useful and most searched online encyclopaedia. This month we are celebrating the 15th anniversary of Vicipéid, the Irish language Wikipedia, there will be cake and “other party elements”. Intrigued? Come along, Wednesday 30th January, 7pm onwards.

The Science Fiction Book Club elbows its way back into your frontal cortex this month, we’re reading Neal Stephenson’s Snow Crash. We will be praising / trashing it on Wednesday 30th January from 7pm.

Return of the Finish-a-Thon

If you’ve been meaning to complete a project, or you have something put away somewhere that you’re going to finish someday – lucky you! That day is Saturday 15th December, from 10 in the morning until late.

All projects welcome, they don’t have to be this complicated…
We’re opening up Tog for all-comers, hackers, makers, crafters, coders, whatever you have that could do with a finishing touch and a final tweak, bring it along and we’ll supply the workspace and a bit of know-how, enthusiasm, encouragement, and breakfast.

There’s an Open Social running on the same day, so you can stay as long as you want. Small handmade trophies for finished projects. Tog, 22 Blackpitts, Dublin 8, D08 P3K4.

The author is fully aware of the irony in the title of this post.

Image attribution: NASA/JPL/Thomas Wynne [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons