A few weeks ago, we started a new event in the space on Monday evenings. This was to follow the Designing with Microcontroller course, ECE4760, from Cornell University. The course is run by Hunter Adams. We got off to a great start with our first two lectures, with up to 18 people attending and great enthusiasm.
Imagine our surprise and amazement when we were contacted by no less than Hunter himself! Hunter was delighted to know that we were following his course.
It’s incredible that such high-quality material is placed online and is free to use. You can follow the course material yourself at your own time and pace. We decided to run the course as a scheduled event, however, to set a pace and to put a bit of mild pressure on ourselves. We plan to run some jams in the space over the coming weeks and months to allow the participants to work together on the course in-person. Now that we are being watched by the lecturer himself, we better keep going! Keep an eye on our schedule and you are welcome to join us on Monday evenings.