When: Tuesday, October 18, 2022 – from 14:00 to 18:30
Where: Learning Studio: The Digital Hub, Digital Depot, Roe Lane (off Thomas Street) Dublin 8, D08 TCV4, Ireland
▪ Raise awareness on the right to adequate housing that must be “habitable”.
▪ Promote research collaboration between academia and local/national stakeholders to overcome the lack of information on housing quality at the community level to develop effective housing and health policies.
▪ Enhance residents’ empowerment in vulnerable communities to address violations of rights to adequate housing.
▪ Identify solutions needed across the system to transform health, community care and housing.
Our own Jeffrey Roe will be speaking at this workshop with a talk titled “Grass Roots Community Air Quality Network”. He will talk about the power of the Sensor.Community . What a community using the open source mindset can achieve.