Maker Faire Rome takes place from Friday 8 – Saturday 9 – Sunday 10 October. A mix of 250 exhibitors in person in Rome and over 300 makers via the online platform. The free to sign up digital platform will allow everyone to explore the projects present directly from your home and meet and interact with makers and innovators from all sectors. Sign up with the following link https://digital.makerfairerome.eu/
Our own member Jeffrey Roe will be online to showcase his project. “Kill The Dots – Remote LED Game“.

The project mixes Raspberry pi, Arduino, LED display and IoT all in one. It uses remote.tv to allow the player to remotely control all the buttons of this fun arcade-style LED game. The user tries to kills all the red dots in order to stay alive to see hot pink. The game is a total mash-up, using a robotics platform built for using the pi camera mixed together with an Arduino drawing cool animations on a 32 by 32 LED display.
To find out more visit https://makerfairerome.eu/en/exhibitors/?edition=2021&exhibit=200260#