This New Year, TOG reached a truly magic milestone of 100 members. From small beginnings in 2009, our membership has grown steadily. TOG had its first meeting on the 21st of January 2009, when a group of 17 people came together with the intention of setting up a new hackerspace in Dublin. In less than 3 months we were up and running with over 20 members and a roof over our head. 11 years later we are in our third space with a more diverse group of members than ever, and new activities like never before. Recent times have seen an active film making community using our space, as well as members individual projects including the making of beds and boats no less!
This coming Saturday 25th January from 7pm, we will be celebrating our combined 11th Birthday, 100th member and regular Open Social all rolled into one. Drop in and see us. We’re not sure if we can fit 100 candles on the birthday cake, but we’ll try! The party is free to attend for both members and visitors alike. No need to book…. just turn up. Drop in for 10 minutes, or stay the whole night. We have parking available. If you’ve never been in before, we’ll give you the grand tour of the space. Talk to members and visitors about projects or things that you’d like to do. If you like what you see, ask about joining as a full member. Since the beginning, every new member has brought new skills, their passion for making and their curiosity to us. Come and join us on our journey to 200 members.