In the last weekend of March 2019, Tog will host to a dot on the Global Service Design map.
Cities all over the world will be jamming on a secret theme released Friday 29th March, and the Delicious Dublin Jam will be prototyping pick-me-ups to prickly problems right along with them.
The event
This will be a 24+ hour make/build/prototype re/act & fix-a-thon session: we will brainstorm and pitch ideas, team up and build prototypes, then test them out.
At the end there will be demos, prizes and pizza!

The theme
The secret theme is released on Friday 29th of March by the global jam organisers.
We’re as excited to find out about it as you are!

The details
Friday 29th from 6pm
Saturday 30th all day.
Maybe Sunday too!
All in TOG the place to BE
What’s a service jam?
A creative group design-build-test session to improve the services we all use.
What is service design?
Like product design, but for public and private services
What will we do?
Meet new people, think creatively, identify problems, think of solutions, try and build or act them out, test and evaluate, demonstrate, have fun
What is a prototype?
a way of translating your opinion/idea into a thing in the real world that you can test if it works or not.
This could be a website, a roleplay, a strip of cardboard with glitter and googly eyes glued on.
What should I bring?
An attitude to buzz with others and step out your comfort zone is the most important thing.
If you have anything you like to use, such as special pens and paper, or things other people would like, maybe cookies or post-its, then do bring them along.
Also if you have special skills you’d like to volunteer, such as facilitating or mentoring, then please let us know!
Do I need to be an expert?
Not at all, everyone has skills, energy and experience to bring.
There will be experienced facilitators around to work through the creative process with you.
What will I get out of it?
Have fun, meet people, learn skills, make something, solve a problem, push yourself, work in a cool space, eat pizza, have fun.