Unsocial Networking

There has been a fair amount of work recently on the TOG network. We have the normal wireless and then a number of wired network points that allow people to plug their machines into the TOG LAN.

But what mysteries lie behind this amazing service? Curious? Of course you are. But fret not, all mysteries shall be revealed.

An “Intro to the TOG network” will be held on Wednesday 11th August 19:00 IST.

Topics discussed will be

  • TOG firewall (running OpenBSD)
  • TOG LAN switches (Cisco)
  • TOG wireless (Linksys)
  • Future plans for the wireless (guest and member access)
  • Network graphing for the network and servers (xymon and cacti), netflow accounting for the network (http://nfdump.sf.net/), Firewall IDS.
  • Services available (rack space, hardware, virtual machines) and lots more (maybe ;).

This is only intended as an intro, just a “here it is” rather than a “how it’s made” discussion.

Please reply if you’re interested so space available can be assessed.

For now check out the photos of the TOG server room which you’ll get a tour of on the night.



TOG Servers

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