CNC Workshop- Make an edge-lit LED sign!

Learn the basics of CNC (computerised) carving and engraving in this creative project-based 2-session course at Tog Hackerspace with

In the first session, you will use VcarvePro to design something you would like to make into an edge-lit acrylic sign. In the second session, you will graduate from CAD (computer-aided design) to CAM (computer-aided manufacturing) by carving your design on a portable CNC carver.

No prior experience is needed! You will need to bring a Windows laptop to both sessions. And if you have a mouse with a scroll wheel, bring that too. 

Date & Time of the Event:
Saturday 3rd of August 11:00 – 17:00
Saturday 10th of August 11:00 – 17:00

Cost: €20 plus Eventbrite fees

Booking Link:

A large part of the cost of this event is supported by Dublin Maker. A free-to-attend, community-run event, which will be held in Richmond Barracks in August each year.